Contact Us

You can contact me by filling out form below. I usually get back to people as soon as possible. Please be patience as I am not a full time blogger.

I occasionally get questions about cooking and cookware, I will try to answer them as quickly as I can. Please see Cooking World’s Q &A to see if that question already been answered.

  • You can link to our article or image with proper link to our site and post. Pass the knowledge, share love.
  • If you are an Advertiser, I work with a few selected ones that matches my readers and my taste.
  • If you have a cookware product for me to review, please contact me. I do not guarantee favorable review. SeeĀ  Our review Criteria

To contact us please send an email to admin (at) cookingworld (dot) biz . We are small website with 2 people, so please give us some time to get back to you, when in doubt, please feel free to contact us again. We try to get to genuine people’s query and request and ignore spams.

Note: Our writing is created specially by myself and team for the site. Most of our images come from Cookware Vendors such as Amazon,, Cuisinart, Kitchenaid and Metro Kitchen. We use wikipedia and other creative commons images as noted.